Budući da nam je nedavno bilo 6 mjeseci braka, a kada već
zbog obaveza nismo otišli na bračno putovanje (iako sam ja navijala za Pariz), taj
dan odlučila sam svog supruga i sebe počastiti iznenađenjem u hladnjaku na
francuski način.
Dok je suprug ispuštao zvukove poput „Mmmm, bijela čokolada“ i „Super ti je ovo
ljubavi“, ja sam mislima bila već miljama daleko, na ulicama Pariza, pred
izlogom delicija, sa čokoladnim moussom zadovoljno uživala.
Potrebni sastojci (za 2 osobe):
Za mousse od tamne čokolade:
100 g tamne čokolade s 70% kakaa
50 ml vrhnja za šlag
3 bjelanjka
prstohvat soli
2 kapi ekstrakta vanilije
Za mousse od bijele čokolade:
100 g bijele čokolade
50 ml vrhnja za šlag
3 bjelanjka
2 kapi ekstrakta vanilije
Tamnu čokoladu nalomite na kockice, stavite ju u zdjelu
te otopite na pari. Potpuno ohladite.
Vrhnje za šlag dobro rashladite pa istucite u čvrsti
snijeg. Ohlađenoj čokoladi dodajte tučeno vrhnje u tri navrata, brzo miješajući
drvenom žlicom ili silikonskom lopaticom. Dodajte par kapi ekstrakta vanilije.
Bjelanjke istucite s prstohvatom soli u ekstra čvrsti
snijeg pa pažljivo umiješajte u čokoladu.
Dobro promiješajte pa ulijte u visoke čaše do polovice.
Na isti način napravite mousse od bijele čokolade pa
ulijte u čaše preko moussa od tamne čokolade.
Ostavite u hladnjaku preko noći da se dobro rashladi.
Prije posluživanja ukrasite čokoladnim strugotinama.
P.S. Ukoliko ne volite gorkasti okus tamne čokolade,
dodajte 1 žlicu šećera u prahu tučenim bjelanjcima.
Double Chocolate Mousse
It’s not enaught to say that I adore chocolate. A more
accurate term would be that I could survive on it - for
Since it has recently been 6 months of our anniversary, and we weren’t gone on any honeymoon (although I'm cheer for for Paris), that day I decided to make my husband and myself a surprise treat in the refrigerator in a French manner.
While my husband emitted sounds like "Mmmm, white chocolate" and "This is great honey", my thoughts was already for miles away, on the streets of Paris, in front of the shop windows of delicacies with my chocolate mousse happily enjoyed.
Since it has recently been 6 months of our anniversary, and we weren’t gone on any honeymoon (although I'm cheer for for Paris), that day I decided to make my husband and myself a surprise treat in the refrigerator in a French manner.
While my husband emitted sounds like "Mmmm, white chocolate" and "This is great honey", my thoughts was already for miles away, on the streets of Paris, in front of the shop windows of delicacies with my chocolate mousse happily enjoyed.
Necessary ingredients (serves 2):
For the dark chocolate mousse:
100 g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa
50 ml heavy cream
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
2 drops vanilla extract
For the white chocolate mousse:
100 g white chocolate
50 ml heavy cream
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
2 drops vanilla extract
Chop the dark chocolate and place it into a bowl. Melt
over a pot of simmering water. Let the chocolate cool down completely.
Whipped the heavy cream and pour it into a chocolate in
three times, stirring quicky with a rubber spatula.
Whish the egg firms with a pinch of salt.
Fold carefully the egg whites into the chocolate.
Divide the mousse between glasses, making sure that the
glass is fild to half.
Repeat the same process with white chocolate and pipe
over dark chocolate mousse.
Chill in refregerator for few hours.
Serve with chocolate crumbs.
P.S. If you don't like the bitter taste of dark
chocolate, add 1 Tbsp. cane sugar to whisked egg whites.
P.S. For the measurements check out the kitchen chart!
Fantasticno... fotke su carobne!
ReplyDeleteVidela sam pre neki dan post i sve čekam da se nagledam fotki pa da i zapišem utiske. Toliko sitnica na jednoj slici učinilo mi se kao one zagonetke pronađi stvar u mnoštvu. Prelepo. Prava umetnička duša. Mus je boli glava! Zapisano!
ReplyDeleteNa mousseve sam lakoma po defaultu, a ove si k tome tako servirala da bi me trebalo od njih silom odvajati! :)