Potrebni sastojci:
Za krafne (za 20ak komada):
250 g glatkog pšeničnog brašna + 200 g za posipanje
250 g oštrog pšeničnog brašna
250 ml mlijeka
100 g margarina za kolače
60 g kristal šećera
20 g morske soli
4 žumanjka
1 cijelo jaje
2 limuna, ribana korica
3 žlice ruma za kolače
4 kapi arome ruže
40 g svježeg kvasca + 1 žličica kristal šećera
1 litra neutralnog ulja, za prženje
kristal šećer, za posipanje
Za džem od višanja (za 4 staklenke):
2 kg svježih višanja, očišćenih od peteljki i koštica
1.2 kg kristal šećera
2 limuna, svježe iscijeđena
Priprema krafni:
U 1 dl mlakog mlijeka rastopite 1 žličicu šećera pa
razmrvite 40 g svježeg kvasca. Ostavite
na toplom da se kvasac digne, 10 minuta.
Ostatak mlijeka stavite u manju posudu, dodajte margarin,
šećer i sol pa rastopite na laganoj vatri.
Žumanjke izmiješajte s cijelim jajem, ribanom koricom
limuna, rumom i ružinim ekstraktom pa sve dobro promiješajte.
250 g glatkog brašna pomiješajte s 250 g oštrog brašna.
Ostatak brašna ostavite sa strane za posipanje.
U smjesu s žumanjcima dodajte mlijeko s margarinom pa
dobro promiješajte koristeći drvenu žlicu.
Dodajte dignuti kvasac pa opet dobro promiješajte.
Dodajte obje vrste brašna, malo po malo dok ne dobijete
ljepljivu smjesu.
Smjesu istresite na pobrašnjenu radnu podlogu i malo po
malo dodajte 200 g brašna.
Umijesite mekano, glatko tijesto.
Tijesto premjestite u plastičnu zdjelicu, pokrijte ga
toplim kuhinjskim krpama (ja sam koristila i deku) pa stavite dizati 1 sat na
toplome, u prostoriju bez otvorenih vrata i prozora (bez propuha!).
Kada se tijesto diglo, nemojte ga dirati rukama, već ga
direktno iz zdjele istresite na pobrašnjen stoljnjak.
Tijesto pospite s malo oštrog brašna, te pobrašnjenim
valjkom za tijesto prođite preko tijesta samo u 4-5 poteza tek toliko da se
tijesto istanji na 1 cm debljine.
Pomoću kalupa za krafne ili raznih modlica, izrežite
Ostatak tijesta skupite i od njega napravite malene
kuglice kao za fritule.
Sve lijepo poklopite s toplom kuhinjskom krpom i ostavite
da se diže još 30 minuta.
U manji lončić zagrijte 1 litru običnog ulja. Ulje je
spremno za prženje kada počme cvrčati.
Krafne nemojte stiskati prstima. Podignite ih od
stoljnjaka na slijedeći način: s dva prsta lijeve ruke prebacite ih na dlan
desne ruke tako da ona strana koja je bila donja strana na stoljnjaku bude
gornja strana na dlanu.
Krafne nemojte stalno preokretati, pustite da se prže 1
minutu sa svake strane.
Ako vam je lončić uži, stavljajte 1 po 1 krafnu kako se
ne bi zalijepile.
Kako se krafne budu pržile, a ulje bude tamnije boje, to
će vam se i smanjivati vrijeme prženja (meni je za posljednjih 10ak krafni
trebalo samo par sekunda s obje strane, pa pripazite da vam ne bi zagorile).
Pržene krafne moraju bite zlatnosmeđe boje.
Pržene krafne izvadite šupljom žlicom iz ulja, te ih
pospite kristal šećerom.
Ohlađene napunite džemom od višanja, kremom od vanilije,
rastopljenom čokoladom...
Priprema džema od višanja:
Višnje operite i očistite od peteljki i koštica.
Sok koji su višnje tijekom čišćenja pustile, sačuvajte.
Sok od višanja koji ste sačuvali pomiješajte s običnom
vodom tako da dobijete 1 litru soka.
Višnje pomiješajte s šećerom, svježe iscijeđenim sokom od
limuna te sokom od višanja pa uz stalno miješanje kuhajte na laganoj vatri oko
1 – 1 i pol sat.
Kada su višnje omekšale, a smjesa se počela gustiti,
izmiksajte višnje štapnim mikserom.
Da li je džem gotov, najbolje ćete vidjeti tako da
stavite žličicu smjese na mali tanjurić – ako se ne razlijeva, možete džem
skinuti s vatre.
Zagrijte pećnicu na 100°C.
Staklenke operite i posušite.
Stavite staklenke na mokru kuhinjsku krpu pa u njih
ulijte pripremljeni džem od višanja.
Otvorene staklenke stavite na kuhinjsku rešetku pa sušite
1 sat.
Kada se na džemu stvorila korica, staklenke izvadite iz
pećnice i odmah zatvorite.
Pustite da se džem ohladi na sobnoj temperaturi, a potom
ga pospremite na suho, tamno mjesto.
Ovako pripremljen džem može trajati oko 6 mjeseci (ja ga
držim u hladnjaku i traje mi do 1 godine).
Gotovi džem možete pomiješati s svježe očišćenim višnjama i namazati na kruh za doručak :)
Gotovi džem možete pomiješati s svježe očišćenim višnjama i namazati na kruh za doručak :)
English version:
Donuts infused with sour cherry jam
You need:
For donuts (for about 20 pieces):
1 cup (250 g) wheat flour (plain) + for sprinkling
1 cup (250 g) wheat flour (sharp)
1 cup (250 ml) milk
3.5 oz butter or margarine
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon sea salt
4 egg yolks
1 whole egg
2 lemons, grated rind
3 tablespoons rum
4 drops rose extract
1.4 oz fresh yeast + 1 tsp granulated sugar1 cup (250 g) wheat flour (plain) + for sprinkling
1 cup (250 g) wheat flour (sharp)
1 cup (250 ml) milk
3.5 oz butter or margarine
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon sea salt
4 egg yolks
1 whole egg
2 lemons, grated rind
3 tablespoons rum
4 drops rose extract
4 cups (1 liter) of neutral oil, for frying
granulated sugar, for sprinkling
For sour cherry jam (makes 4 jars):
70 oz (2 kilogram) of fresh cherries, cleaned from the stems and seeds
40 oz (1.2 kilogram) granulated sugar
2 lemons, freshly squeezed juice
70 oz (2 kilogram) of fresh cherries, cleaned from the stems and seeds
40 oz (1.2 kilogram) granulated sugar
2 lemons, freshly squeezed juice
Prepare donuts:
In 1/2 cup (120 ml) lukewarm milk,
dissolve 1 teaspoon sugar and fresh yeast. Leave in
a warm place to rise, for 10 mins.
In a small pot, put the rest of the milk, add margarine or butter, sugar and salt, and melt in low heat on the stove.
In a bowl, mix egg yolks with whole egg, grated lemon zest, rum and rose extract.
Mix 1/2 cup (120 g) plain flour with 1/2 cup (120 g) sharp flour (you can replace it with all purpose flour). The rest of the flour leave aside for dusting kitchen surface.
Add the mixture with milk and margarine to egg yolks, then add risen yeast, stir well with a wooden spoon.
Add both types of flour, little by little until you get a sticky mixture.
Put the dough mixture on the floured kitchen surface and add more flour.
Make a smooth, soft dough.
Move the dough in a plastic bowl, cover with warm kitchen cloth (I used blanket) and put to rise for 1 hour in a warm place, in a room with no open doors and windows (no draft!).
Do not touch dough with the hands, drop it directly from the bowl to floured tablecloth.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll in just 4-5 moves, just enough to 0.4-inch (1 cm) thickness.
Using donuts molds, cut circles from the dough.
In a small pot, put the rest of the milk, add margarine or butter, sugar and salt, and melt in low heat on the stove.
In a bowl, mix egg yolks with whole egg, grated lemon zest, rum and rose extract.
Mix 1/2 cup (120 g) plain flour with 1/2 cup (120 g) sharp flour (you can replace it with all purpose flour). The rest of the flour leave aside for dusting kitchen surface.
Add the mixture with milk and margarine to egg yolks, then add risen yeast, stir well with a wooden spoon.
Add both types of flour, little by little until you get a sticky mixture.
Put the dough mixture on the floured kitchen surface and add more flour.
Make a smooth, soft dough.
Move the dough in a plastic bowl, cover with warm kitchen cloth (I used blanket) and put to rise for 1 hour in a warm place, in a room with no open doors and windows (no draft!).
Do not touch dough with the hands, drop it directly from the bowl to floured tablecloth.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll in just 4-5 moves, just enough to 0.4-inch (1 cm) thickness.
Using donuts molds, cut circles from the dough.
Use the rest of the dough to
make small fritters.
Let rise again, covered with kitchen cloth, 30 mins.
Let rise again, covered with kitchen cloth, 30 mins.
In a small pot warm neutral oil for frying.
Do not squeeze risen donuts
with fingers!
Lift them from the tablecloth on the following way: with two fingers of your left hand switch them to the palm of the right hand.
Lift them from the tablecloth on the following way: with two fingers of your left hand switch them to the palm of the right hand.
Put them fry as they stand in the
palm of your hand, 1 minute on each side.
If you have a small pot, place 1 by 1 to fry.
In the time, oil will become darker, so you must reduce cooking time making sure not to burn them.
If you have a small pot, place 1 by 1 to fry.
In the time, oil will become darker, so you must reduce cooking time making sure not to burn them.
Spread them with granulated or powdered sugar.
Fill them with sour cherry jam, vanilla cream, melted chocolate ...
Fill them with sour cherry jam, vanilla cream, melted chocolate ...
Prepare sour cherry jam:
Wash and clean cherries from the stems and pits.
Save cherry juice, which will they released during cleaning time.
Mix cherry juice with plain water to get 4 cups liquid.
Mix cherries with sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and juice from cherries. Put all together on medium heat and cook 1 1/2 hour constantly simmering.
When cherries are softened, chop them with electric hand mixer in puree.
Save cherry juice, which will they released during cleaning time.
Mix cherry juice with plain water to get 4 cups liquid.
Mix cherries with sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and juice from cherries. Put all together on medium heat and cook 1 1/2 hour constantly simmering.
When cherries are softened, chop them with electric hand mixer in puree.
Preheat oven to 200 F (100*C).
Wash and dry jars.
Place jars on a wet tea towel and pour prepared cherry jam.
Open jars put on the kitchen grate and bake for 1 hour with closen oven doors.
Remove jars from the oven and immediately close the lids.
Let the jam cool on room temperature, then store into dry, dark place.
Prepared jam can last for about 6 months (I hold it in the refrigerator and takes me up to 1 year).
Wash and dry jars.
Place jars on a wet tea towel and pour prepared cherry jam.
Open jars put on the kitchen grate and bake for 1 hour with closen oven doors.
Remove jars from the oven and immediately close the lids.
Let the jam cool on room temperature, then store into dry, dark place.
Prepared jam can last for about 6 months (I hold it in the refrigerator and takes me up to 1 year).
Majo prelepo su ti ispale, prave sa šupljinom. Moram da priznam da ih nisam nikada pravila, a tako ih volim. Obožavam one punjene džemom koji kisi. Ove malene su ti medene. Ma volim ja sva testa, samo što sam u poslednje vreme naučila da budem umerena u njemu, pa se samo osladim s vremena na vreme. Te jednostavne stvari su najbolje.
ReplyDeletejoj krafne obožavam, pojedem ih uvijek puno, puno odjednom pa me boli trbuh :) krasne su ove tvoje!
ReplyDeleteVery good look!
ReplyDeleteCure, hvala vam!
ReplyDelete@Jelena, istina, treba biti umjeren s vremena na vrijeme :)
@Tamara, čekam i tvoj receptić za krafne, ako ih odlučiš pravit :)
@Benita, thank you for your feedback :)
Nisu masne i to mi se najvise svidja. Cesto ih pravim, al budu masnije, moracu da iskopiram tvoj recept bar donekle. E, da, slazem se i ja, cak si i supljinu uspela da napravis, sto je super! :)