Potrebni sastojci (za 6 kalupića):
Za tijesto:
150 g glatkog pšeničnog brašna
60 g maslaca, sobne temperature
2 žlice hladne vode
2 žlice maslinovog ulja
1 žličica soli
Za nadjev:
1 veći poriluk
2 manje glavice luka
20 g svježeg kozjeg sira
1 žlica aceta balsamica
1 žličica šećera
1/2 žličice soli
1/2 žličice papra
U manjoj zdjeli pomiješajte brašno s soli pa dodajte maslac sobne temperature narezan na listiće.
Razmrvite rukama da se maslac usitni, a potom dodajte vodu i maslinovo ulje.
Zamijesite glatko tijesto, zamotajte ga u plastičnu vrećicu i ostavite najmanje 1 sat u hladnjaku.
U međuvremenu, poriluk i luk očistite pa narežite na tanke listiće.
Na zagrijanom maslinovom ulju prodinstajte poriluk i luk dok ne omekšaju, a potom dodajte sol i šećer.
Dinstajte 1 minutu dok se šećer ne rastopi, a potom dodajte aceto balsamico.
Dinstajte uz stalno miješanje 2 minute dok tekućina ne ispari. Ostavite sa strane da se ohladi.
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C.
S malo otopljenog maslaca premažite kalupiće za tartlete.
Tijesto izvadite iz hladnjaka, razvaljajte ga na pobrašnjenoj kuhinjskoj ploči na debljinu 1 milimetra.
Razrežite tijesto na 6 dijelova pa svaki stavite preko pripremljenog kalupića, lagano ga utiskujući u kalup. Bočne stranice tijesta utisnite prema kalupu prstom.
Pripremljene kalupe napunite nadjevom od poriluka.
Preko pospite svježim kozjim sirom.
Od ostataka tijesta modlicama za kolače izvadite srca (ili druge oblike) pa ih posložite preko nadjeva.
Stavite peći u zagrijanu pećnicu 15-20 minuta.
Poslužite toplo.
English version:
Leek and Goat cheese Tartlets on an Olive oil crust
You need (for 6 individual Tartlets):
150 g wheat flour (or all purpose flour)
4 tablespoons butter, room temperature
2 tablespoons cold water
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 large leek
2 small onions
20 g fresh goat cheese
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
In a bowl, combine flour with salt. Add butter cutted in thin slices.
Mix flour with hands, then add water and olive oil.
Make sticky dough, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave at least 1 hour in refrigerator.
In the meantime, clean the leeks and onions and cut into thin slices.
Fry leeks and onions on the hot olive oil, then add salt and sugar.
Fry for 1 minute until the sugar dissolves, then add the balsamic vinegar.
Fry with constant stirring 2 minutes until the liquid evaporated. Set aside to cool.
Preheat oven to 350 F (180°C).
Buttered the tartlete mold.
Remove the dough from refrigerator, roll it on floured board on the thickness of 0.04-inch (1 mm).
Cut dough into 6 pieces and each place over the prepared mold, gently impressing the mold.
Mix flour with hands, then add water and olive oil.
Make sticky dough, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave at least 1 hour in refrigerator.
In the meantime, clean the leeks and onions and cut into thin slices.
Fry leeks and onions on the hot olive oil, then add salt and sugar.
Fry for 1 minute until the sugar dissolves, then add the balsamic vinegar.
Fry with constant stirring 2 minutes until the liquid evaporated. Set aside to cool.
Preheat oven to 350 F (180°C).
Buttered the tartlete mold.
Remove the dough from refrigerator, roll it on floured board on the thickness of 0.04-inch (1 mm).
Cut dough into 6 pieces and each place over the prepared mold, gently impressing the mold.
Press sides with fingers to made a tart shape.
Fill with prepared filling.
Sprinkle with fresh goat cheese.
Fill with prepared filling.
Sprinkle with fresh goat cheese.
Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 mins.
Serve warm.
Serve warm.
(From the remaining dough you can cut hearts and decorated tartlets before baking).
P.S. For the measurements check out the kitchen chart!
P.S. For the measurements check out the kitchen chart!
Obožavam tartove u svim kombinacijama: velike, srednje, male, mrvice od tartova :)Zanimljivo mi što u ovaj nadjev ide balsamico. Fotografije su mnogo lijepe, baš si sve lijepo aranžirala... drveni escajg me je potpuno očarao!
ReplyDeletesuper, ovakve stvari baš volim :) i volim ove kore za tartove s maslinovim uljem, s njim mi je sve nekako finije :)
ReplyDeleteCure, hvala :)
ReplyDelete@Tamara, ti si rijetka od kontinentalaca koji vole maslinovo ulje, ali to mi je drago čuti :)
@Majo, aceto balsamico mu daje posebnu pikantniju aromu. Naravno, može i bez :)
Prelepo Majo, pa kod tebe je već proleće stiglo na slikama. Tako me vesele sve ove boje, ma da ne pričam ponovo o fotkama. Ove kalupiće sam kupila kada sam Nadin blog istraživala i super su. Volim ovakva individualna jela, tako su lična, pa svako ima utisak da je pravljeno baš za njega.