Potrebni sastojci (za 500 g):
5 cijelih limuna
1 kivi
10 zrna crnog papra
1 dl obične vode
2 žlice meda
200 g kristal šećera
Limune oprati, zarezati nožićem na površini kore par
puta, pa staviti u keramičku posudu.
Preliti običnom hladnom vodom da budu pokriveni do vrha,
a zatim ih tako ostaviti 3 dana da se odgorče. Svaki dan mijenjati vodu tri
Nakon što se su namakali tri dana, limune izvaditi iz
vode, pobrisati ih kuhinjskom krpom, a vodu proliti.
Od jednog limuna naribajte koricu, prepolovite ga pa ga
iscijedite. Ostala 4 limuna očistite od korice.
Limune narežite na ploške pa ih očistite od koštica.
Kivi također narežite na ploške.
Limun, kivi, crni papar u zrnu, ribanu koricu limuna i
iscijeđeni sok limuna stavit eu blender pa izmiksajte dok se limuni ne pretvore
u kašu.
Sve premjestite u mali lončić, dodajte 1 dl obične vode,
šećer i med pa kuhajte na srednje jakoj vatri 30-45 minuta dok se džem ne
Zagrijte pećnicu na 150°C.
Staklenke sterilizirajte pa u suhe ulijte gotovi džem.
Premjestite otvorene staklenke na rešetku u sredini
pećnice pa pecite oko 20 minuta na istoj temperaturi dok se na vrhu džema ne
stvori korica.
Staklenke odmah izvadite, zatvorite pa ostavite na sobnoj
temperaturi da se ohlade.
Spremite ih na tamno i hladno mjesto.
Ovako pripremljen džem može stajati i do 6 mjeseci.
English recipe
Lemon & Kiwi peppercorn aromatic jam
You need (for 2 jars):
5 lemons
1 kiwi
10 black peppercorns
100 ml plain water
2 Tbsp. honey
200 g granulated sugar
1 kiwi
10 black peppercorns
100 ml plain water
2 Tbsp. honey
200 g granulated sugar
Wash lemons and cut them on surface slighty with small knife (just
few times).
Put them in a ceramic bowl.
Pour plain cold water over lemons to be covered to the top, and set them at side for 3 days.
Pour plain cold water over lemons to be covered to the top, and set them at side for 3 days.
Change the water three times every day.
After the three days, remove lemons from the water. Shed the water.
After the three days, remove lemons from the water. Shed the water.
Grate zest of 1 lemon, and squeeze juice.
Peel the other lemons, slice them and remove seeds.
Kivi also cut into slices.
Put lemon slices, kiwi slices, black peppercorns, grated lemon zest and squeezed lemon juice in a electric blender and mix until the lemons do not turn into mush.
Put mixture into a small pot, add water, sugar and honey and cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes until the jam thickens.
Preheat oven to 300 F (150°C).
Sterilize jars and dry them. Pour into them finished jam.
Move open jars on rack in middle of oven and bake for about 20 minutes at the same temperature until on the top of the jam does not make crust.
Remove jars from the oven, close them and leave to cool at room temperature.
Store them in dark and cool place.
This prepared jam can stand up to 6 months.
Kivi also cut into slices.
Put lemon slices, kiwi slices, black peppercorns, grated lemon zest and squeezed lemon juice in a electric blender and mix until the lemons do not turn into mush.
Put mixture into a small pot, add water, sugar and honey and cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes until the jam thickens.
Preheat oven to 300 F (150°C).
Sterilize jars and dry them. Pour into them finished jam.
Move open jars on rack in middle of oven and bake for about 20 minutes at the same temperature until on the top of the jam does not make crust.
Remove jars from the oven, close them and leave to cool at room temperature.
Store them in dark and cool place.
This prepared jam can stand up to 6 months.
P.S. For the measurements check out the kitchen chart!
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Krasan džem, volim ovakve sa citrusnim okusima. Fotke su divne, vesele, osunčane, podsjećaju me na ljeto koje željno iščekujem :)
ReplyDeleteHvala draga Tamara!
ReplyDeleteZaista, danas je bio tako predivan dan da sam iskoristila slikanje na sunčevoj svjetlosti (jedva čekam da dođe proljeće i da počne sve ono bobičasto voće...) :)
Kakve fotke. Kakva kompozicija! Prelepo Majo. Toliko detalja sićušnih fantastično aranžiranih. Nisam pravila džemove, ali jedini koji me je mamio da ga napravim je ovaj od limuna. Divno!